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The Friday Finale!



Welcome to our newsletter, The Friday Finale!  We wanted to offer a simple, quick snapshot of information for you!  Below are recent highlights of news over the past two weeks.  Look for this to come out on a bi-weekly basis on FRIDAYS.  



Links to News:

Bank of Canada Maintains Key Policy Rate

The Bank of Canada last Wednesday held its target for the overnight rate at 4½%, with the Bank Rate at 4¾% and the deposit rate at 4½%. The Bank is also continuing its policy of quantitative tightening.

What Caused The Silicon Valley Bank Failure and What Might Happen Next?

The financial institution best known for its relationships with high-flying tech startups and venture capital firms, Silicon Valley Bank, experienced one of the oldest problems in banking — a bank run — which led to its failure last Friday.

Household Debt-to-income DECREASES!

The federal agency says on a seasonally adjusted basis household credit market debt as a proportion of household disposable income edged down to 180.5 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared with 184.3 per cent in the third quarter.

Canada's Housing Market Finally Finding Its Footing?

It increasingly looks like Canada’s housing market is finally finding its footing—at least from a transaction volume perspective. 

WEBINAR: Property Virgins - The New Normal

Are you a Property Virgin? 

Sign up for this webinar NOW! 

Have you heard about the process to buy a new home but want to understand from a Mortgage Expert? Do you have some money saved up but want to know where to start? Do you need clarity in terms like Pre-Approval, Pre-Qualification, Credit Score, Total Debt Servicing, Default Insurance, or Appraisal? Join us as we walk you through the process to buy your first home, what all these terms mean, and what to look for in an amazing Real Estate Agent!

BLOG POST: Green Thoughts

Most Recent Blog:

The New Tax-Free Home Savers Account.

The federal government has released new details about a new type of registered savings plan aimed at helping Canadians save for their first home. Find out who qualifies and other key features of these plans.


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